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To create in harmony with nature

Natural balance

The style born with an eye to environment.

This is the principle which inspired the philosophy of our company since the beginning, and which led us to combine the search of high aesthetic standards with the need of respecting the environment and the natural balance of the ecosystem.

The whole manufacturing process of Uffix has always been oriented to an attentive and effective management of the resources, by choosing environmentally friendly materials and adopting suitable processes to recycle and reutilize the rejects of manufacturing.

All of this requires clearly defined targets and strategies, and above all the belief that the style of a product is expressed also through its "environmentally friendly qualities".

Recycling and reutilization

Saving nature makes one save.

Recycling and reutilization have important positive effects on the environment: they reduce waste and the production of refuse with consequent energy saving.

Presently, the efficient management of resources and the attention paid to environmental issues make it possible to recycle or reutilize over 92% of the waste of our manufacturing process.

The prerequisites necessary to reach such results arise already during the initial manufacturing stages: the choice of recyclable, biodegradable and renewable materials and raw materials is integrated with the overriding and continuous involvement of suppliers and collaborators in the development of suitable projects of environmental management.

The materials

Wood: our manufacturing process uses panels in plywood or in MDF made with low formaldehyde emission resins, belonging to E1 class according to the norms in force.

Paints: they do not contain solvents or substances belonging to classes which are hazardous for the environment, as provided for by the law.

Plastic: all plastic materials used and plastic waste are recycled or reutilized: more specifically, thermoplastic materials are brought back to liquid state and are then reused.